There are several ways to check the Version of a Runtime. This article gives a few examples. 


Using the "versions" Runtime command

From Analytics

  • in the navigator, double click the Runtime
  • at the bottom of window, select the "Command" tab
  • type the "versions" command, and the Runtime version is displayed on the first line:
Stambia Remote Runtime version s17.2.13_20150306
Stambia Remote Scheduler version s17.1.17_20130531
Stambia Remote Command Line Utility version s17.2.0_20131009
Stambia Remote Common librairie version s17.2.12_20150220
Stambia Remote Actions version s17.2.12_20150306
Stambia Remote API version s17.2.11_20141030

From the Designer

  • connect to the Runtime
  • click the "Runtime command" window
  • in the console, enter the commands: "connect" and then "versions"
  • the Runtime version is displayed on the first line:
> connect
Connecting to stambia-pc7 on port 42000
stambia-pc7:42000 > versions
Stambia Remote Runtime version s17.2.13_20150306
Stambia Remote Scheduler version s17.1.17_20130531
Stambia Remote Command Line Utility version s17.2.0_20131009
Stambia Remote Common librairie version s17.2.12_20150220
Stambia Remote Actions version s17.2.12_20150306
Stambia Remote API version s17.2.11_20141030

From the Command line

  • change directory (cd) to the Runtime's directory
  • execute this command, the Runtime version is displayed on the first line:
D:\apps\stambia\stambiaDesigner_S18.0.2_20150323_084301\stambiaRuntime>startcommand.bat "connect;versions"
D:\apps\stambia\stambiaDesigner_S18.0.2_20150323_084301\stambiaRuntime>echo off
Connecting to stambia-pc7 on port 42000
Stambia Remote Runtime version s17.2.13_20150306
Stambia Remote Scheduler version s17.1.17_20130531
Stambia Remote Command Line Utility version s17.2.0_20131009
Stambia Remote Common librairie version s17.2.12_20150220
Stambia Remote Actions version s17.2.12_20150306
Stambia Remote API version s17.2.11_20141030

Note : on your installation you might need to specify the servername and the RMI port in the "connect" command, like this: startcommand.bat "connect to my_server port 45123;versions".

Searching the Runtime's log files

Open the file stambiaRuntime/log/com.indy.engine.42000.log (the "42000" may be different on your installation).

Search the file for the last occurence of the string "Runtime version:", and you should find a line like this one:

22/05/2015 15:10:19,369 INFO  - Runtime version: s17.2.13_20150306