In this article

You can find below the major changes and improvements of the Analytics 3.5.x version.

This article only highlights the most important changes.

If you need further information, please consult the full changelog and/or reference documentation.


About migration:

If you are coming from Stambia DI Production Analytics 2.x.x, updating to 3.x.x requires a migration, the procedure being explained in this article.


What's new in 3.5.2?

Migration Wizard

When using the migration tool, if the step “3 – Deployment Manager” was performed without having performed the step “1 – Metadata Configuration”, the generated objects were incorrect.

The generated versions and source packages were not linked to any metadata and could not be configured.

So we have disable migration if metadata are missing and a popup appear :


What's new in 3.5.1?

Package Manager Editor

Sort packages

In the Package Manager Editor, when clicking a Version name, the list of processes is displayed in a popup.

Packages were displayed in order of insertion.

Now they are displayed in alaphabetical order, not case sensitive.

package order


Filter packages

In the Package Manager Editor, when clicking a Version name, the list of processes is displayed in a popup.

Sometimes the packages are very numerous, and it is difficult to find one.

So we added a filter to make searches easier.


What's new in 3.5.0?

Usability improvements

Importing several packages

To make it easier, in the Package Manager Editor, when importing a source package, it is now possible to select several packages to import, at the same time. (Shift or CTRL keys)

Multi packages



Removing several packages

To make it easier, in the Package Manager Editor, it is now possible to select several packages to remove, at the same time. (Shift or CTRL keys)




Runtime Administration Access

In the Navigator, right clicking on "Runtimes" now displays "Manage Runtimes" context menu, which opens the Administration Editor on Runtime tab.

This replaces the previous "Add Runtime" menu, which was not convenient to access Runtime administration because it was pre-creating an empty runtime.




Other improvements and bug fixes

This version is shipped with several other improvements and fixed issues which can be found in the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to give it a look to have an idea of what have changed.