This article describes the principal changes of PostgreSQL Component.

If you need further information, please consult the full changelog.

Component download section can be found at this page.


Stambia DI is a flexible and agile solution. It can be quickly adapted to your needs.

If you have any question, any feature request or any issue, do not hesitate to contact us.


This article is dedicated to Stambia DI 2020 (S20.x.x) or higher.

If you are using Stambia DI S17, S18 and S19 please refer to this article.



Fixed issues

This version contains some fixed issues which can be found in the complete changelog.

Complete changelog

The complete changelog with the list of improvements and fixed issues can be found at the following location.




Minor improvements and fixed issues

This version contains some minor improvements and fixed issues, which can be found in the complete changelog.

Complete changelog

The complete changelog with the list of improvements and fixed issues can be found at the following location.




Support XPath expressions in "Deletion Where Clause" parameter

"Deletion Where Clause" parameter now supports using XPath expressions.

This allows to generate dynamic expressions which uses some information retrieved from Metadata, for example.


Support automatic creation of primary key when creating target table

When using "Create target table" parameter to automatically create the target table during execution, the generated creation statement now also includes the primary keys defined in Metadata.


PostgreSQL datatype

Addition a new type of column "json", existing in PostgreSQL since V9.2.



Change Data Capture (CDC)

Multiple improvements have been performed to homogenize the usage of Change Data Capture (CDC) in the various Components.

Parameters have been homogenized, so that all Templates should now have the same CDC Parameters, with the same support of features.

Multiple fixes have also been performed to correct CDC issues. Refer to the changelog for the exact list of changes.


Complete changelog

The complete changelog with the list of improvements and fixed issues can be found at the following location.




Fix issue with index name

When delimiters were required on the temporary table, an incorrect index name was generated.


Fix issue with CDC unlock step

CDC unlock step had a wrong generation condition which avoided it to be executed.


Fix creation mask

  • A "bit" datatype field did not take into account the set size.
  • A data type field "varchar" or "character variant" has a maximum size of 1000. When a larger size was set, it was incorrectly specified.