Stopping / Restarting the License Server

If your License Server was installed as a service, simply operate the service using your OS' service management tools.

Otherwise, use the "bin/start" and "bin/stop" scripts.

Checking the License Server status

Watching the log files

The License Server writes information into the "log/com.stambia.licence.server.log" file.

Watching the server process

Search for a java process which contains "com.indy.license.server.jar" in the command line.

On Windows:

  • Using the Task manager
    • Make sure your Task Manager displays the "Command Line" column
    • Search for a Java process where the command line contains "com.indy.license.server.jar"
  • Using the command line (as an administrator)
C:\WINDOWS\system32>wmic process where "name like '%java%' and commandline like '%com.indy.license.server.jar%'" get Name,ProcessId,ParentProcessId
Name      ParentProcessId  ProcessId
java.exe  3180             3704

Note: on Windows, when the License Server is installed as a service, there might be two processes, which is normal (there is a service wrapper + the actual service).

On Linux:

Search for a java process which contains "com.indy.license.server.jar" in the command line.

ps -ef | grep com.indy.license.server.jar

Updating the license.xml file

Your "license.xml" file may change in the future (adding new licenses, changing MAC addresses...).

Do not edit this file by yourself - your licenses may become invalid. Instead, please send a request to the Support Team.

When the Support delivers a new "license.xml" file, simply replace the previous file with this new one. The change is immediate.