Stambia exposed web services are described in an automatically generated Open API3 definition file which can be accessed easily from a dedicated URL. 

This Open API3 definition is updated automatically by the Runtime when new web services are exposed or updated, and it can moreover be accessed and visualized through Swagger-UI tool which is shipped with the Runtime.

You can find in this article how to access to Runtime's automatically generated Open API3 definition, and how to play with it through Swagger-UI.

  • Stambia DI Runtime S20.4 or higher (refer to this article if you use Stambia DI Runtime S19 version or lower


Accessing Runtime's Open API3 definition and Swagger-UI

All information for accessing Open API3 definition and Swagger-UI are printed in Runtime console when it is starting.

You can moreover find back those information in following log file if needed: <stambiaRuntime>/log/com.indy.engine.<port>.log


For instance:

HTTP Rest v3 - UI: http://hostname:42200/rest/StambiaDeliveryService/3/default?swagger-ui
HTTP Rest v3 - Definition: http://hostname:42200/rest/StambiaDeliveryService/3/default?openapi3.json


Description of those URLs:

URL Description
HTTP Rest v3 - UI URL to access Swagger-UI tool, which will be automatically pointing to Runtime's Swagger definition to be able to visualize and play with it easily.

HTTP Rest v3 - Definition

URL to access Runtime's Open API definition.

This definition is automatically updated when new web services are exposed or updated.


Example of Swagger-UI:

 Swagger openapi 3