
Welcome to Stambia!

This guide contains information about administering the products and and putting into production Stambia developments.


This document is intended for administrators and users interested the production flow of Stambia.

Other Stambia Resources

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Obtaining Help

To get help you can:

  1. contact our global Technical Support Center:
  2. consult the articles on our community website
  3. consult or post topics on our forum on


We welcome your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this documentation.
If you find any error or have any suggestion for improvement, please contact us at and indicate the title of the documentation along with the chapter, section, and page number, if available. Please let us know if you want a reply.


Introduction to Stambia

Stambia is the next generation high performance data integration platform that enables your IT team to deliver the right data, at the right place, at the right time. It is a key component for your data integration projects.

Stambia is designed with the following key features for better design-time productivity and higher run-time performances.

High-Performance ELT Architecture

Traditional data integration products use the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) architecture to run the data transformations. In this architecture, a dedicated proprietary engine is in charge of the data processing.

The ELT (Extract-Load and Transform) architecture used in Stambia removes the need for this middle-tier engine. It leverages the data processing engines in place to run processes generated and optimized for these engines.

By removing the cost of the hardware, software, maintenance and tuning skills required for the ETL server, the ELT architecture guarantees the best TCO. This architecture scales naturally with the source and target data stores. It guarantees the best performance and scalability for data integration at any time.

Rationalized Production

Setting up and maintaining a production environment with Stambia is made fast and simple:

Enterprise Data Integration

Stambia provides universal data access and enterprise-class capabilities for integration.

Through all these features, Stambia enables you to deliver data where and when the business needs it, in a simple, fast and safe way.

Architecture overview

Stambia is built with three components:

The Designer

Powerful User Experience

Stambia uses an intuitive, familiar and robust Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the Stambia Designer that contributes to the unified user experience of the Stambia platform. This IDE is designed with features that ensure better productivity for development and higher efficiency for maintenance.

The Runtimes


A Runtime is a Java component.
It saves its implementation reports (or session logs) in a database. Are also stored in a database any schedules made with the Runtime.

Services exposed by the Runtime

Runtimes can expose different services:

The different default listening ports

Stambia can potentially open several ports when launching:

Depending on the way the Runtime is used, these ports may have to be opened according to the security rules of the network (firewall for example), or they will have to be modified.
Port modification will be explained further on in this document.

Setting parameters on a Runtime

By default, the Runtime will store its sessions (log sessions) and the scheduler’s plannings in the internal database (Java H2 database).
The parameters of these services may be found in the properties folder.

Two different files are used to set the saving location of the reports and the schedules:

These files can always be modified later.
In this case, the Runtime will have to be restarted.
We will see further on what may be modified.

Parameters of the debug logs

The Runtime also stores “debug logs” in the “log” folder. These logs are configured via the file “log4j.xml”.
By default, the debug logs are rotary logs, which means the folder will never exceed a certain size. Parameters have to follow the Log4J standard.

This behavior may be modified, particularly if Stambia support has requested it, but usually, it is advisable not to change it.

Stambia Analytics

The Stambia Analytics component executes on a Web Server such as Apache Tomcat.

It is used to

It is a WAR that has to be deployed. After deployment, configuration will take place directly in the Web interface.
The configuration files for this tool are stored in the folder which is specified by the environment variable STAMBIA_WEBAPP_HOME. Write permissions must be given in this folder to the user who is executing the application server.
The Web server’s log will give the information in the case of permission errors.

Production Flow

When working with Stambia the final goal is to generate and deploy a «delivery», which is a file containing the complete roadmap of tasks to be done, with ready to use connections (server, ports, passwords, etc.), and which will be executed by a Runtime.

Most of the time producing those deliveries will be done through the following steps, from the developer developing the Mappings and Processes to the final deployment of the delivery to be executed by the Runtimes.

  1. Development of the Mappings and Processes by the development team.
  2. Generation of package for the production team to configure everything required for the production environment
  3. Generation of a delivery from the previously created package
  4. Publication of the delivery on Runtime(s)

This is the most common steps which are followed to get the final delivery to be published on Runtime(s).
The delivery can then be executed or scheduled to be executed regularly based on cron rules for instance.

This guide details the following sections:

Package Generation

A package is an archive containing all the needed files and folders to generate a delivery.
Most of the time, a package is generated by the development team when they have finished working on a Mapping / Process.
The package can then be used to generate the delivery that will be executed by the Runtimes.

To generate a package, there is two solutions:

Generating a package from Stambia Designer

The most common way to generate the Package corresponding to a Mapping / Process is to do it from Stambia Designer.
The procedure for this is quite simple:

  1. Right click on the Mapping / Process
  2. From the menu, choose Build > Package [with documentation]

That’s all, you can now find the generated package under:

<Designer Installation>/stambiaRuntime/build/packages

Generating a package from command line

The other possibility is to generate the Package corresponding to a Mapping / Process from command line.
For this you’ll have to write a file containing the list of Packages to build, that will be specified on the command line tool.

The first step is to prepare the file listing the Packages to build.
The syntax is the following, and each new line represents a Package to build.


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
package <PATH_WITHIN_WORKSPACE> Relative path within the workspace to the Process to build the package from.
-target <TARGET_DIRECTORY> Target directory in which the generated package will be created.

Example of file script:

build package "Tutorial - Fundamentals/Processes/Load All Datamart.proc.proc" -target "D:/Packages/"
build package "My Project - 01/Process01.proc" -target "D:/Packages/"
build package "My Project - 01/Process02.proc" -target "D:/Packages/"

If you want to generate the Package of a Mapping, specify the path of the Mapping’s built Process file, and not the .map file

As we now have the required script file, we can generate the Packages with the command line tool.
For this, navigate to the Designer installation root folder, and use the command below:

java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar  -application -data "WORKSPACE_PATH" -script "SCRIPT_PATH"  [-logFile "LOG_FILE_PATH"] -console –noSplash

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Mandatory Description
-data «WORKSPACE_PATH» Yes Path to the Stambia Designer workspace where the Processes are stored
-script «SCRIPT_PATH» Yes Path to the script file containing the list of packages to build, created earlier
-logFile «LOG_FILE_PATH» No Path to a log file where information about the Packages generation will be logged


java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar  -application -data "D:/workspace/development" -script "D:/resources/scripts/packagesToGenerate.txt" -console –noSplash

Delivery Generation

A delivery is what will be executed or scheduled in the final stage by the Runtimes.
It is a file which contains the complete roadmap of tasks to be done, with ready to use connections (server, ports, passwords, etc.).
Everything in it is already configured, is completely autonomous, and will only need a Runtime to become executable.

There are three possibilities to generate a delivery:

  1. From Stambia Designer
  2. From Stambia Analytics
  3. From command line

From Stambia Designer

The first way to generate a delivery is to do it directly from Stambia Designer.
With this method, you do not need to generate a Package before as the Designer will take care of everything.
This means that the configuration (connection properties, parameters, ...) of the delivery will be the one of the Designer at the moment it is generated.

The procedure for this is quite simple:

  1. Right click on the Mapping / Process
  2. From the menu, choose Build > Delivery

That’s all, you can now find the generated delivery under:
<Designer Installation>/stambiaRuntime/build/deliveries

The delivery being generated, you must next deploy it on the Runtime you want it to be executable.

Refer to the Delivery Deployment part of this documentation for further information about deployment.

From Stambia Analytics

Generating a delivery can also be performed through Stambia Analytics.
The idea is to import into Stambia Analytics the Package generated by the development team, configure it, and generate (build) the delivery from it

This method is the most recommended one for production use.
It offers the possibility to create configurations for each environment (development, test, production, ...) and easily build and deploy deliveries from a management web UI.

For more information, consult the Stambia Analytics documentation.

The delivery being generated, you must next deploy it on the Runtime you want it to be executable.

Refer to the Delivery Deployment part of this documentation for further information about deployment.

From command line

The last method to generate a delivery is to build it from command line.

The idea is to use the Package that has been generated by the development team to build the delivery.

The Runtime is shipped with command line build scripts allowing to generate a delivery from a package: builddelivery.bat /

Depending on if you are on a Microsoft Windows or Unix OS, the .bat or .sh should be used.

The scripts must be used as follow: mypackage.pck [options]


The following options are available

-buildmode <mode>

Specifies how the delivery should be generated.

Prerequisites: Runtime S17.6.0 and higher

Two build modes are actually available to generate the deliveries, each one having its advantages.

When this parameter is not specified the generation mode is used.

generation mode

Prerequisites: supported by all Runtime versions

Mode which has been used by default since the build scripts exist, which launches a generation mechanism to build the delivery.

The principal advantage of this mode is that as a new generation step is performed, user does not have to set all the parameters in the extracted configuration file, neither to use a configuration file. The default value with which the package has been generated is used for parameters which has not been valuated in the configuration file.

Another advantage is that it allows to customize Metadata parameters which were not defined as externalized when generating the package. This offers the possibility to add extra parameters on the extracted configuration file used to build the delivery, to replace parameters which were not anticipated when generating the package.

The con is that because of the generation mechanism, it can be time consuming for large processes.

substitution mode

Prerequisites: Runtime S17.6.0 and higher

Mode which consists of simply replacing the externalized attributes with the values provided inside the extracted configuration file.

The builder simply retrieves the pre-built delivery which is inside the package and replace the parameters in.

This is also the method that uses Stambia DI Production Analytics for generating deliveries, and this offers better performances as no generation is performed to build the delivery.

This also offers the possibility to generate deliveries for all the processes contained in a multi-process package, which is not possible with generation mode.

In this mode it is mandatory to build the delivery using a configuration with all the externalized Metadata parameters valuated.

Which build mode should I use?

For most common usage, the substitution mode can be used as it offers better performances and allows to build all the processes contained in a package.

The generation mode, which is still the default mode for backward compatibility, can be useful when you need to override values for parameters which were not originally externalized when the package was generated.


list all the processes contained in a package

Prerequisites: Runtime S17.6.0 and higher


Extract the configuration file of the package containing the externalized Metadata parameters which are used in the processes and which can be customized.

conf and conffile
-conf <name> | -conffile <file path>

When used with the -extract option, specifies a name for the configuration which will be extracted.

When used for building a delivery, specifies the previously extracted configuration to use for replacing the externalized Metadata parameters.

-processname <name>

Specify which process contained in the package should be built.

Prerequisites: Runtime S17.6.0 and higher

When the package contains only one process, this is not mandatory as the builder will detect that there is only one process and build it.

When the package contains multiple processes, this allows to choose which one to build.

When the package contains multiple processes, if this parameter is not specified, the deliveries for all the processes will be generated (supported on substitution mode only).

-deliveryfolder <folder path>

Allows to change the default location where the deliveries are generated.

Prerequisites: Runtime S17.6.0 and higher

About configuration files

When using the -extract option, the configuration file of the package is extracted and re-named as specified with the -conf (or -conffile) options.

This file contains all the Metadata parameters which are defined as externalized in the Metadata.

Some are externalized by default, such as the JDBC URL or JDBC User and password, and others can be externalized manually by the user from the Designer in the Metadata.

Those parameters are commented with a default value in the extracted configuration file, for the user to be able to customize them when generating deliveries.

Example of configuration file

### Name: super/Rdbms MetaData/Hypersonic SQL/HSQL - localhost_62210
### Type: com.stambia.rdbms.server
### Name: super/Rdbms MetaData/Hypersonic SQL/HSQL - localhost_62210/HOTEL_MANAGEMENT
### Type: com.stambia.rdbms.schema

To specify a value for a parameter, uncomment the corresponding line (remove the ‹#› which is at its start) and specify the wanted value.

Example of modified configuration file

### Name: super/Rdbms MetaData/Hypersonic SQL/HSQL - localhost_62210
### Type: com.stambia.rdbms.server
### Name: super/Rdbms MetaData/Hypersonic SQL/HSQL - localhost_62210/HOTEL_MANAGEMENT
### Type: com.stambia.rdbms.schema

When the parameters correspond to the expected values, the delivery can be built using the configuration.

Note: Passwords properties are waiting for passwords encrypted using the encrypt <password> command on the Runtime engine console (engine command line tool).


Below are examples of script usage

Listing the processes contained inside a package mypackage.pck -listprocessnames

Extracting a configuration mypackage.pck -conf myconf -extract

Building a delivery using a previously extracted configuration mypackage.pck -conf myconf

Building a delivery using a configuration, process name, and delivery folder mymultipackage.pck -conf myconf -processname "Load All Datamart" -deliveryfolder D:/deliveries/

Building all the deliveries of a multi-process package inside a specified folder (using substitution mode is mandatory) mymultipackage.pck -conf myconf -deliveryfolder D:/deliveries/ -buildmode substitution

The generated delivery will be found in the folder build/deliveries if the -deliveryfolder option is not specified.

The delivery being generated, you must next deploy it on the Runtime you want it to be executable.

Refer to the Delivery Deployment part of this documentation for further information about deployment.

Delivery Deployment

After generating a delivery (see Delivery Generation part of this documentation), the next step is to publish it on a Runtime.
When the delivery is published, the Runtime will then be able to execute it.

There are three possibilities to perform these steps:

  1. From Stambia Designer
  2. From Stambia Analytics
  3. Manually

From Stambia Designer

The first way to publish a delivery is to do it directly from Stambia Designer.
With this method, you do not need to generate a Package before as the Designer will take care of everything.
This means that the configuration (connection properties, parameters, ...) of the delivery will be the one of the Designer at the moment it is generated.

The procedure for this is quite simple:

  1. Right click on the Mapping / Process
  2. From the menu, choose Publish > Delivery

The delivery will be automatically built locally and then published into the currently connected Runtime.
When publishing a delivery through the Designer, you do not have to perform the Delivery Generation step explained in this document.
The Designer take care of everything, build the delivery, and publish it on the currently connected Runtime.

The delivery being published, it can now be executed and scheduled.

From Stambia Analytics

Publishing a delivery can also be performed through Stambia Analytics.
After having imported the Package, configured it, and built the associated delivery, Stambia Analytics offers the possibility to publish it to Runtime(s).

This method is the recommended one for production use.
It offers the possibility to create configurations for each environment (development, test, production, ...) and easily build and deploy deliveries from a management web UI.

For more information, consult the Stambia Analytics documentation.

The delivery being published, it can now be executed and scheduled.


Finally, if the delivery is built from command line, you can also deploy it manually on the Runtime on which you want to execute it.
Simply copy the file inside the location where are stored the deliveries of this Runtime.
The default location is stambiaRuntime/build/deliveries

Delivery Execution

A delivery can be executed from Stambia, Stambia Analytics, or command line.
Two command line tools are available:

  1. Creates a new Java process and executes the delivery as standalone outside a running Runtime.
  2. Connects to a Runtime. The execute delivery command can then be performed.

Tip: To optimize memory management, prefer the startcommand tool, as all the deliveries will be executed on a running Runtime, on the same Java process.

startDelivery command :

To proceed, with startdelivery:

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME]


./ -file [DELIVERY_FILE]

The script is synchronous: it waits for a return before handing back the commands to the caller.
The return code is:

For Linux, the values are between 0 and 255, so the the return code is :

Defining variables

The developer can also define Parameters that have to be valued when executing the delivery:

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -var [VARPATH1] [VALUE1] … -var [VARPATHN] [VALUEN]


./ -name myDelivery -var ~/var1 value1

Defining configuration

When working with multi-Configuration deliveries, the Configuration to use must be specified in the command line:

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -configuration [CONFIGURATION_NAME]

Defining session name

By default the session name is the same as the delivery name, but you can override this value using the sessionName parameter :

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -sessionName [SESSION_NAME]

Defining repository

The repository, in which deliveries are stored, can also be defined with a parameter. Note that the repository must be configured in the Runtime.

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -repository [REPOSITORY_NAME]

Defining ReturnCode Path

This option allows to specify the path to a session variable containing the code to be used.

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -returnCodePath [VARIABLE_NAME)]

Examples :

./ -name MyDelivery -returnCodePath CORE_DURATION


./ -name MyDelivery -returnCodePath  ~/MyProcess/MyVariable

For Linux, the values are between 0 and 255, so the the return code may be different.
Refer to this article for more information :

Defining log level

The log information that must be kept after execution can be specified in the command line:

./ -name [DELIVERY_NAME] -loglevel [LOG_LEVEL]

Available values:

Value Description
-1 Do not log anything (even errors won’t be logged)
0 Logs everything during execution and deletes everything at the end.
100 Logs everything during execution and deletes everything but the session and its stats.
200 Logs everything during execution and deletes everything but the session/processes and their stats.
300 Logs everything during execution and deletes everything but the session/processes/actions and their stats.
400 Everything is logged.

Delivery Scheduling

The deliveries executions can be scheduled from different ways, as explained below.

External scheduling

External scheduling consists in scheduling the script

The return code is:

In addition to the return code, the command sends further information on the standard exit:

##### BEGIN #####
04/05/2011 17:22:11,718 - SESSION: e5b70658db3117952ad056f12fbb9a21e08000 is started

-- DURATION = 00:00:11,907

##### STATISTICS #####


04/05/2011 17:22:23,671 - SESSION: e5b70658db3117952ad056f12fbb9a21e08000 is ended
##### END #####

Scheduling with Stambia scheduler

Scheduling basics

You will be scheduling deliveries.
The scheduler helps you schedule out jobs, using triggers.
If you wish to schedule a Stambia delivery, by default, the job will have the same name as the delivery.
You can however schedule a delivery with several different names (or jobs).
You can link one or several triggers to one job.
A job is unique (its name is also unique).

Scheduling with a command line

Once you are in the command line (using startcommand.bat or, you need to connect to the Runtime on which you wish to schedule a job.
To connect to the local Runtime:


To schedule a job:

>schedule delivery MY_DELIVERY cron "0 15 10 * * ? *" 
>schedule delivery MY_DELIVERY start "2009/12/10 12:55:22" cron "0 15 10 * * ? *" 
>schedule delivery MY_DELIVERY start "2009/12/10 12:55:22" end "2009/12/25 12:55:22"  cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"
>schedule delivery MY_DELIVERY var ~/VAR1 VALUE1 var ~/VAR2 VALUE2 cron "0 15 10 * * ? *" 
>schedule delivery MY_DELIVERY configuration MY_CONFIGURATION cron "0 15 10 * * ? *" 
>get delivery schedules MY_DELIVERY

If you need more information about the command line:


Cron Trigger tutorial

General syntax

A Cron expression is a character string containing 6 or 7 fields separated by spaces.

These fields can contain the characters listed in this table, or a combination of them.

Field name Mandatory Authorized values Authorized special characters
Seconds YES 0-59 , - * /
Minutes YES 0-59 , - * /
Hours YES 0-23 , - * /
Day of the month YES 1-31 , - * ? / L W
Month YES 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
Weekday YES 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L #
Year NO empty, 1970-2099 , - * /
Special Characters:

Characters ‘L’ and ‘W’ can be combined in the ‘day of the month’ field: “LW” will then mean “the last working weekday in the month”.

- «#» – used to specify “the n-th day XXX in the month”. For example, value «6#3» in the ‘weekday’ field means “the 3rd Friday of the month” (Day 6 = Friday, and #3 = the 3rd of the month).

Day names are not case-sensitive. This means ‘MON’ and ‘mon’ are identical.

Expression Meaning for the trigger
0 0 12 * * ? At 12 o’clock every day
0 15 10 ? * * at 10:15 every day
0 15 10 * * ? at 10:15 every day
0 15 10 * * ? * at 10:15 every day
0 15 10 * * ? 2005 at 10:15 every day of year 2005
0 * 14 * * ? Every minute, between 14:00 and 14:59, every day
0 0/5 14 * * ? Every 5 minutes from 14:00 to 14:55, every day
0 0/5 14,18 * * ? Every 5 minutes from 14:00 to 14:55, every day, and every 5 minutes from 18:00 to 18:55, every day
0 0-5 14 * * ? Every minute from 14:00 to 14:05, every day
0 10,44 14 ? 3 WED at 14:10 and 14:44 every Wednesday of the month of March
0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI at 10:15 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
0 15 10 15 * ? at 10:15 on the 15th of each month
0 15 10 L * ? at 10h15 every last day of the month
0 15 10 ? * 6L at 10:15 the last Friday of each month
0 15 10 ? * 6L 2002-2005 at 10:15 the last Friday of each month for years 2002 to 2005
0 15 10 ? * 6#3 at 10:15 the third Friday of each month
0 0 12 1/5 * ? at 12:00 every 5 days, each month, starting on the 1st
0 11 11 11 11 ? Every November 11th at 11:11

Runtime command reference

General commands


Once you are in the command line (using startcommand.bat,, ...), you need to connect to the Runtime with the connect command:

connect [to <host>] [port <port>] [silent]
Parameter Mandatory Description
to <host> No Hostname or address of the host. If not set localhost is used.
port <port> No Runtime port.
silent No Avoids the feedback normally written on the standard output.

runtime version

Return the version of the currently connected Runtime.

runtime version

execute commands in file

Execute a list of Runtime commands contained in a file.

execute commands in file <file>
Parameter Mandatory Description
file <file> Yes Path to a file containing Runtime commands, separated with a line return

Example of file:

execute delivery myDelivery synch
execute delivery myDelivery2
stop runtime


Encrypt a password. The result can be used in various places in Stambia, especially in Process actions, when providing passwords manually.
It is possible to specify a custom ciphering key to choose which key will be used to encrypt the value.
This can be useful if you changed the ciphering keys used by the Runtime with your own ones.
If no ciphering key is specfied, the default Runtime ciphering key will be used.

encrypt <password>
encrypt <password> cipheringKey <key_functional_name>

The key used comes from a Keystore to also be declared in the EngineParameters.

stop runtime

Stop the currently connected Runtime properly.
The services are all stopped and by default, all running sessions are killed.

stop runtime [wait sessions]
Parameter Mandatory Description
wait sessions No When set, the Runtime waits for all the sessions to be executed before stopping. No sessions can be started during this time (An exception will be thrown).

kill runtime

Kill the currently connected Runtime.

kill runtime


Show a description and the list of parameters available for the Runtime commands.

help [on <commandName>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
on <commandName > No Shows the help of a specific command.

Service commands

Service management commands

Management of services. Stopping a service will not stop its running tasks. For example, stopping the execution service will not stop the currently running deliveries.

<start|stop|restart> <name> service


stop execution service

soap server

Management of soap server.

soap server [build|start|stop]

get services

Show information about status and running time of services.

get services [name <name>] [format <format>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
name <name> No Specifies a service with its name.
format <format> No Columns to show on the output, separated with a comma. Available columns: %name, %status, %duration.


get services format %name,%status




Return the version of the different services.


Delivery management commands

execute delivery

Execute a delivery on the currently connected Runtime.

execute delivery <delivery> [mode <memory | standalone>] [configuration <configuration>] [var <varPath> <varName>] [synch] [sessionName <sessionName>] [repository <repositoryName>] [format <format>] 
Parameter Mandatory Description
mode No The «memory» mode starts the delivery in the current runtime and the «standalone» mode starts the delivery aside of the runtime.
configuration No When working with multi-Configuration deliveries, the Configuration to use must be specified with this parameter.
var <varPath> <varName> No Passes a Variable to the delivery. Multiple var parameters can be set.
synch No Waits for a return before handing back the commands to the caller.
sessionName No Can be used to customize the name of the session that will be executed, which defaults to the name of delivery if no set.
repository No Can be used to define the Runtime Delivery Repository in which the delivery will be searched.
format No This option can be used to customize the output of the command, which information to return and how. The following columns are available: %name,%status,%begindate,%enddate,%configuration,%id,%executionmode,%guesthost,%iter,%launchmode,%runtimehost,%runtimeport,%returncode,%errormessage,%exception,%parentiter


execute delivery myDeliv var ~/myVar1 value1 var "~/my var 2" "value 2"
execute delivery myDeliv repository MyRepo
execute delivery myDeliv format "%name, %id, %returncode"
execute delivery myDeliv format "%name | %id | %begindate | %enddate | %status | %returncode | %errormessage"

schedule delivery

Schedule a delivery on the currently connected Runtime.

schedule delivery <delivery> [scheduleName <scheduleName>] [sessionName <sessionName>] [jobName <jobname>] [with command] [on host <hostname>] [port <hostport>] [start <startDate>] [end <endDate>] [var <path> <value>] [var ...] [configuration <configuration>] cron <cronExpression>
Parameter Mandatory Description
scheduleName <scheduleName> No Name that will identify this schedule, automatically generated if not set.
sessionName <sessionName> No Name of the session. If no set, the session is named after the delivery.
jobName <jobname> No Internal name for the schedule job. This is by default the delivery name. See below for further information.
with command No Executes the delivery with the command line tool. If no set, the delivery is invoked in memory in the currently connected Runtime.
on host <hostname> No Hostname or address of the Runtime host. If not set the currently connected Runtime is used. Can also be the name of a cluster (see this article for details on how to set up clustered runtimes).
port <hostport> No Runtime port.
start <startDate> No Start date of the schedule.
end <endDate> No End date of the schedule.
configuration No When working with multi-Configuration deliveries, the Configuration to use must be specified with this parameter.
var <varPath> <varName> No Passes a Variable to the delivery. Multiple var parameters can be set.
cron <cronExpression> Yes Cron expression to planify the schedule.


schedule delivery myDeliv start "2015/12/10 12:55:22" end "2015/12/25 12:55:22" var ~/myvar myValue cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"

About the jobName
The jobName is used to identify the unicity of schedules.
Therefore, multiple schedules with the same jobName will not be able to be executed at the same time.
If this happens, only one of the two will be started.

This is to avoid the start of multiple schedules if their execution at the same time is not functionally possible.
This is, at purpose, the default behavior when having multiple schedules on the same delivery.

If you want to change that, just specify a jobName when scheduling a delivery.

Example: Two schedules that will not be able to be started at the same time:

schedule delivery myDeliv var ~/myvar myValue01 cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"
schedule delivery myDeliv var ~/myvar myValue02 cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"

Example: Two schedules that are allowed to start at the same time:

schedule delivery myDeliv jobName job01 var ~/myvar myValue01 cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"
schedule delivery myDeliv jobName job02 var ~/myvar myValue02 cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"

get repositories

Return the list of available Runtime delivery repositories.

get repositories

get deliveries

Return several information about the deliveries contained on the currently connected Runtime.

get deliveries [id <id1,id2,idn>] [format <format>] [repository <repository>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
id <id1,id2,idn> No Deliveries ids, separated with a coma.
format <format> No Columns to show on the output, separated with a comma. Available columns: %name, %builduser, %configuration, %id, %packageid, %processid, %username, %version, %builddate, %exportdate.
repository <repository> No Runtime delivery repository to search in. If not set, the deliveries are search in the default repository.


get deliveries format %name,%configuration,%builddate,%exportdate

get list deliveries

Retrieve the list of deliveries contained on the currently connected Runtime.

get list deliveries [to <file>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
to <file> No Exports the result to a file.

get delivery schedules

Retrieve information about delivery schedules, and optionally export it in a file. If a different job name has been specified during scheduling, it won’t appear in the list.

get delivery schedules <deliveryName> [to <file>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
to <file> No Exports the result to a file.

remove delivery

Remove / unpublish a delivery from the Runtime.
This operation will delete the delivery file from the Runtime.

remove delivery <name> [repository <repository>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
name Yes Name of the Delivery to remove.
repository <repository> No Runtime delivery repository to search in for the delivery to remove. If not set, the delivery will be removed from the default repository.

Session management commands

get sessions

Return the list of sessions existing in the Log Database configured for this Runtime as well as the sessions currently in memory.

get sessions [name <name>] [id <id1,id2,idn>] [status <running,error,done,stopped>] [duration <min>] [to <max>] [limit <limit>] [format <format>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
name <name> No Session Name.
id <id> No Session Id.
status <status> No Session status. Available: running, error, done, stopped.
duration <min> No Session minimum duration in milliseconds.
to <max> No Session maximum duration in milliseconds.
limit <limit> No Number of sessions to retrieve.
format <format> No Columns to show on the output, separated with a comma. Available columns %name, %status, %begindate, %enddate, %configuration, %id, %deliveryid, %runtimehost, %runtimeport, %executionmode, %guesthost, %errormessage, %exception, %parentiter

stop session

Sends a stop request to a specified running session.

stop session <id> [synch] [format <format>] 
Parameter Mandatory Description
id Yes Id of the session to be stopped.
synch No Waits for the session to be stopped before handing back the commands to the caller. If not specified the stop request is sent in the background and the command ends.
format No This option can be used to customize the output of the command, which information to return and how. This is supported only when using the synch mode. The following columns are available: %name,%status,%begindate,%enddate,%configuration,%id,%executionmode,%guesthost,%iter,%launchmode,%runtimehost,%runtimeport,%returncode,%errormessage,%exception,%parentiter

Example 1:

stop session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9


Sending a stop request to session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9...
Stop request has been successfully sent to session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9

Example 2:

stop session c0a84b0b016716c6b50bd39807324430 synch format %id,%status,%returncode


Sending a stop request to session c0a84b0b016716c6b50bd39807324430...
Session: c0a84b0b016716c6b50bd39807324430 is stopping...


Restarts a specified session.

restart session <id> [synch] [format <format>] 
Parameter Mandatory Description
id Yes Id of the session to be restarted.
synch No Waits for the restarted session to end before handing back the commands to the caller. If not specified the session is restarted in the background and the command ends.
format No This option can be used to customize the output of the command, which information to return and how. This is supported only when using the synch mode. The following columns are available: %name,%status,%begindate,%enddate,%configuration,%id,%executionmode,%guesthost,%iter,%launchmode,%runtimehost,%runtimeport,%returncode,%errormessage,%exception,%parentiter

Example 1:

restart session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9


Session: c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9 is restarted

Example 2:

restart session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9 synch format %id,%status,%returncode


Session: c0a84b0b016716cadadf88fc29a8c399 is restarted...

wait session

Waits for a session until it ends.

wait session <id> [format <format>] 
Parameter Mandatory Description
id Yes Id of the session to connect to.
format No This option can be used to customize the output of the command, which information to return and how. When not specified the return code is printed. The following columns are available: %name,%status,%begindate,%enddate,%configuration,%id,%executionmode,%guesthost,%iter,%launchmode,%runtimehost,%runtimeport,%returncode,%errormessage,%exception,%parentiter

Example 1:

wait session c0a84b0b016716cdb01b379e2eddf9a3



Example 2:

wait session c0a84b0b016716c58c17de7b2e8a75c9 format %id,%status,%returncode




Purge the Runtime’s sessions specified. All the information about these sessions will be deleted.

purge keep <number> <minute|hour|day|session> [sessionid <id1,id2,...>] [sessionname <name,name2,...>] [status <done,error,killed>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
keep <number> <minute|hour|day|session> Yes Number of sessions to keep.
sessionid <id> No Sessions’ids, separated by a comma.
sessionname <name> No Sessions' names, separated by a comma.
status <done,error,killed> No Sessions' status, separated by a comma.


Keep only last 100 sessions:

purge keep 100 session

Purge a session which id is mySessionid

purge keep 0 session sessionid mySessionid

Keep only five of the sessions which name is mySession and which status is done.

purge keep 5 session sessionname mySession status done

Keep sessions from last 3 days:

purge keep 3 day

schedule purge

Schedule a purge of Runtime’s sessions.

schedule purge keep <number> <minute|hour|day|session>  cron <cronExpression> [sessionname <name,name2,...>] [sessionid <id1,id2,...>] [status <done,error,killed>] [on host <hostname>] [port <hostport>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
keep <number> <minute|hour|day|session> Yes Number of sessions to keep.
cron <cronExpression> yes Cron expression to planify the purge.
sessionid <id> No Sessions' ids, separated by a comma.
sessionname <name> No Sessions' names, separated by a comma.
status <done,error,killed> No Sessions' status, separated by a comma.
on host <hostname> No Hostname or address of the Runtime host. If not set the currently connected Runtime is used.
port <hostport> No Runtime port.


schedule purge keep 10 session cron "0 15 10 * * ? *"

Trigger commands

A trigger is created when a delivery or purge schedule is added.

get list triggers

Retrieve the list of triggers contained in the Runtime.

get list triggers [to <file>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
to <file> No Exports the result to a file.

get trigger detail

Retrieve detail of a specific trigger.

get trigger detail <triggerName> [to <file>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
to <file> No Exports the result to a file.

get triggers

Retrieve the list of triggers contained in the Runtime with details.

get triggers [name <name1,name2,namen>] [format <format>]
Parameter Mandatory Description
name <name1,name2,namen> No Trigger name.
format <format> No Columns to show on the output, separated with a comma. Available columns %name, %cronexpression, %deliveryname, %executiontype, %starttime, %endtime, %nextexecution, %purgesize, %purgeunit, %jobname

pause trigger

Pause the execution of a trigger.

pause trigger <name>

resume trigger

Resume the execution of a trigger.

resume trigger <name>

remove trigger

Remove a trigger.

remove trigger <triggerName>