MySQL - the creation of a BIT column was unexpectedly failing when no size was defined, because an incorrect syntax was used
MySQL Product - add a dedicated drop index mask to generate indexes using the MySQL specific syntax
Template - New template "Load Xml to MySQL (with LOAD)"
MySQL Metadata - add json datatype
Template - Load File to MySql - new parameter "Create Load Indexes"
Template - Load Rdbms to MySQL (with LOAD) - new parameter "Create Load Indexes"
Template - LOAD Rdbms to MySQL (with LOAD) - generated file names may unexpectedly contain object delimiters
Template - Reject MySQL - delimiter incorrectly generated on index names
Template - Reject MySQL - when the "delete rejects from checked table" parameter is used, the generated query should use joins instead of subqueries for performance purposes
Template - Reject MySQL - when "delete from checked table" parameter is used, deleted rows should be conditioned to the current session id
Templates updated - New Parameters 'Unlock Cdc Table' and 'Lock Cdc Table' to configure the behaviour of CDC tables locking
Templates updated - New parameter 'Cdc Subscriber' on Templates on which it was not handled yet
Add missing BINARY, JSON, TINYTEXT, VARBINARY datatypes and fix creation mask for YEAR and BIT datatypes
MySQL requires 'auto-increment' columns to be defined as primary key, which was not the case in some situations when creating such columns using creation mask (fix performed in 2.0.1 version was unexpectedly not present in 2.0.2, putting it back)
Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates when querying the source data
Templates updated - The 'Cdc Subscriber' parameter was ignored in some Templates on Lock / Unlock CDC steps
MySQL Component - update module definition to propose more accurate driver and urls
MySQL Component - addition of missing datatype "MEDIUMTEXT"