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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

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Here you will find the latest releases of your products. You can also browse the documentation providing different articles and the how-tos that will help you unleash the full potential of Stambia DI.

As a new user, first have a look at the Getting Started sections in order to be ready to use Stambia DI for the first time.

Latest News

Designer: showing the Java Heap usage

Showing the Java Heap usage for the Designer can be helpful to check the java memory used by the Designer.

Go to "Window > Preferences > General" and check "Show heap status".

This will display the information at the bottom of the screen. To the right of the usage bar, the small trash icon can be used to run Java's Garbage Collector.

Designer: giving names to workspaces

Having multiple workspaces can be sometimes confusing. If you name them, the workspace name will be displayed in the title of the Designer's window.

Simply go to Window > Preferences > General > Workspace.

And provide a name in the "Workspace name" field.

Make sure that you Restart the Designer, so that this parameter is saved.

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