You can find from where a Metadata Link is located in Project Explorer
05 March 2020 |
Analytics can import multiple packages at once
14 November 2017 |
Designer: Building a few packages at once
14 November 2017 |
You can open automatically the Metadata of the currently select object using a shortcut
08 April 2019 |
Recent workspaces can be managed in the Preferences
14 November 2017 |
Creating a loop in a process
14 February 2018 |
You can list and select the opened editors with Ctrl+F6
17 March 2017 |
You can consult the data returned by a join in a Mapping
14 June 2021 |
A referenced Process can be edited within the current editor
14 November 2016 |
You can list and select the Designer's views with Ctrl+F7
18 November 2016 |