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Topic-icon Solved Run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux

  • informatique_etival
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08 Nov 2017 08:55 #1 by informatique_etival
Run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux was created by informatique_etival
Dear Stambia Community,

We face an issue when trying to run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux Server. The runtime works fine, but each time we try to run a mapping were a SAP connection is involved, it fails with error messages saying that a java class is missing. As far as there are no full details on how to setup this connector on Linux, it is not easy to determine where to put files.

For the moment, we have downloaded the SAP Jco zip file dedicated to our linux environment from the SAP support site. The Stambia runtime is installed into directory "/opt/stambiaRuntime". The SAP addon is installed as required into "/opt/stambiaRuntime/lib/addons/sap" where we have currently those files :

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4802 nov. 7 16:59 com.indy.engine.addons.sap.jar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5174670 nov. 8 08:45 libsapjco3.so
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 303344 nov. 7 16:59 sapidoc3.jar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1479887 nov. 8 08:45 sapjco3.jar

On Windows environment, the "sapjco3.dll" file must be installed into "Windows\system32" directory, but there is no indication on where to put the "libsapjco3.so" file on Linux. Perhaps this is where the issue lies, but we would like some help on this.

Many thanks in advance for your contributions.
08 Nov 2017 10:13 #2 by risson
Replied by risson on topic Run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux
I don't really know the SAP connector, but sometimes on Linux systems you need to reference the libraries in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
I found this page which seems to confirm this idea:
  • informatique_etival
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08 Nov 2017 10:31 #3 by informatique_etival
Replied by informatique_etival on topic Run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux
Thank you for your proposal. We've added a sapjco.conf file inside the /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ directory, and used the ldconfig command to update links. With -v option, it shows this line among others :
libsapjco3.so -> libsapjco3.so

So this shall be OK, but the process still stops with the same error.
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  • informatique_etival
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10 Nov 2017 17:09 #4 by informatique_etival
Replied by informatique_etival on topic Run SAP connector on Ubuntu Linux
Well, finally we've found a solution, but it doesn't explain why it was not working. We just reinstalled completely the runtime with latest version 17.4.5 and it ran immediatly.