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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

Choosing the Configuration at invocation

    When working with multi-Configuration Deliveries, you can usually choose which configuration to use at execution, using the dedicated parameters for that.

    When invoking a Multi-Configuration Delivery exposed as web service, you can choose which Configuration to use.


    Choosing the Configuration

    When trying to invoke a multi-Configuration Delivery exposed as web service, you'll have this kind of message returned if you do not specify the Configuration:

    "You have to set configuration code on externalized deliveries, available code: INT_001 INT_002"


    An HTTP Header which can be passed alongside the invocation request to choose the Configuration that should be used for the invocation:



    Example with Postman:



    When working with multi-Configuration Deliveries, you can use this HTTP Header to define the Configuration to use.

    Note that this HTTP Header is ignored when invoking a standard Delivery.



    Definition - Open API3

      Stambia exposed web services are described in an automatically generated Open API3 definition file which can be accessed easily from a dedicated URL. 

      This Open API3 definition is updated automatically by the Runtime when new web services are exposed or updated, and it can moreover be accessed and visualized through Swagger-UI tool which is shipped with the Runtime.

      You can find in this article how to access to Runtime's automatically generated Open API3 definition, and how to play with it through Swagger-UI.

      Read more: Definition - Open API3

      Definition - Swagger2

        Stambia exposed web services are described in an automatically generated Swagger definition file which can be accessed easily from a dedicated URL.

        This Swagger definition is updated automatically by the Runtime when new web services are exposed or updated, and it can moreover be accessed and visualized through Swagger-UI tool which is shipped with the Runtime.

        You can find in this article how to access to Runtime's automatically generated Swagger definition, and how to play with it through Swagger-UI.

        Read more: Definition - Swagger2

        Customizing HTTP Path and Methods on which a delivery can be invoked

          HTTP REST Web services are defined through an HTTP invocation path which will be used as an URL for invoking a given web service.

          They are moreover also defined through an HTTP Method such as POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, ... which are used to differentiate the functional operation which are performed on a given web service, such as creating an item, retrieving information on this item...

          When exposing Stambia Web services, both HTTP Path and HTTP Method on which a delivery can be invoked can be customized.

          This article demonstrates how to configure Processes to customize this.

          Read more: Customizing HTTP Path and Methods on which a delivery can be invoked


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