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Stambia CI/CD with Jenkins and Docker

    Following the devOps principles, more and more organizations are building CI/CD chains to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

    The delivery of a new version of development made in Stambia can be seen as a four-steps process :



    We will see in this article how Stambia can be integrated in a CI/CD chain using Jenkins, by deploying a sample application.

    In this example, we will automate the build from sources to deployment on existing runtimes, using Jenkins as automation server and Docker for the deployment.





    GitHub account : You need a GitHub account to fork/clone the sample repository

    Jenkins server : To automate the tasks

    Nexus repository : To store the Stambia Designer and Stambia Runtime for building

    Docker registry : To store the built images

    Sample application overview

    The sample application launchDimCustomer is made of a simple process calling loadDimCustomer mapping, which loads data from customer table of Hotel database to Datamart database.




    A lauchDimCustomer script is included in the project, to build the launchDimCustomer.pck package file.

    Some configuration files have also been prepared for the DEV, TST, and PRD environements

    The files needed to build the runtime container have also been added to the project : Dockerfile, engineParameters.xml etc.


    You can clone this project ‘dimCustomer’ from github repository : https://github.com/stambia/samples


    Environment setup


    We will first upload the stambia designer and stambia runtime zip files – the ones you can download from Stambia.org- to a nexus raw repository :



    The resulting download URL will be http://nexus:8081/service/rest/v1/search/assets/download?name=designer/stambiaDesigner_S20.1.0.zip


    Build the pipeline

    Now that everything is in place, we can create the Jenkins pipeline to automate the deployment tasks.

    Create a pipeline project ‘dimCustomer’ :



    Once created, we can create the pipeline script skeleton and set the environment variables :


    Add the variables :

    pipeline {
        agent any
        environment {
            NEXUS_USER = 'nexus_user'
            NEXUS_PASSWORD = 'nexus_password'
            STB_PROJECT = 'dimCustomer'
    	PKG_NAME = 'dimcustomer'
    	PKG_FILE = 'launchDimCustomer.pck'
        stages {
            stage('Clean') {
                steps {


    We can now add the necessary steps to build our pipeline, from the sources retrieval to the deployment on the three target environments

    Checkout stage

    Get the sources from the github repository :

    git https://github.com/stambia/samples


    Download the designer and runtime zip files :

    sh 'curl -X GET -L --user "${NEXUS_USER}:${NEXUS_PASSWORD}" http://nexus:8081/service/rest/v1/search/assets/download?name=designer/stambiaDesigner_S20.1.0.zip -o designer.zip'
    sh 'curl -X GET -L --user "${NEXUS_USER}:${NEXUS_PASSWORD}" http://nexus:8081/service/rest/v1/search/assets/download?name=runtime/stambiaRuntime_S20.1.0.zip -o runtime.zip'

    Build package stage

    Unzip the designer :

    sh 'unzip ${WORKSPACE}/designer.zip -d ${WORKSPACE}'


    Build package using script file :

    sh 'java -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -jar ${WORKSPACE}/stambia/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.100.v20180827-1352.jar -application com.indy.shell.application -data "." -script "${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Scripts/launchDimCustomer" -console -noSplash -importFrom "${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}" -cleanProjects -rebuildCache'


    Deploy to development stage


    Prepare folder and files to build the container


    sh 'mv *.pck ${WORKSPACE}/stambia/stambiaRuntime/build/packages'
    sh 'mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries'
    sh 'mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime'
    sh 'mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/modules'
    sh 'mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/deliveries'


    Build the delivery file using Developement configuration file


    dir("${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/stambia/stambiaRuntime/") {
        sh './buildDelivery.sh launchDimCustomer -conffile ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Configurations/launchDimCustomer.DEV.conf -deliveryfolder ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/'



    Build container and push to the container registry


    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/runtime.zip ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/stambiaRuntime.zip'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Run/engineParameters.xml ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Run/wait-for ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Modules/* ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/modules/'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Docker/Dockerfile-runtime ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/Dockerfile'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/* ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/deliveries'
    sh 'docker build ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime -t stambiadev/runtime:DEV'
    sh 'docker push stambiadev/runtime:DEV'


    Test stage

    We will run the delivery file from the newly built container to test our developement

    sh 'docker run --rm --env-file ./demoProject/Run/runtime.env stambiadev/runtime:DEV /opt/stambia/stambiaRuntime/startdelivery.sh -name launchDimCustomer'


    Deploy to test and production stages

    Then we can deploy to test and production environments using the same steps as for development, changing the configuration file for each environment :

    dir("${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/stambia/stambiaRuntime/") {
        sh './buildDelivery.sh launchDimCustomer -conffile ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Configurations/launchDimCustomer.TST.conf -deliveryfolder ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/'
    sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/* ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/deliveries'
    sh 'docker build ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime -t stambiadev/runtime:TST'
    sh 'docker push stambiadev/runtime:TST'
    dir("${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/stambia/stambiaRuntime/") { sh './buildDelivery.sh launchDimCustomer -conffile ${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Configurations/launchDimCustomer.PRD.conf -deliveryfolder ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/' } sh 'mv ${WORKSPACE}/deliveries/* ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime/deliveries' sh 'docker build ${WORKSPACE}/buildRuntime -t stambiadev/runtime:PRD' sh 'docker push stambiadev/runtime:PRD'


    Test the pipeline


    That’s it, we can now test the entire chain in Jenkins




    We can also check the execution logs of the test step using for example Production Analytics



    The launchDimCustomer app is now available in Production ! In this example, the Docker containers have been pushed to a Docker registry, and can be started on demand, or deployed and started as services


    You can find the full pipeline script here : document Pipeline script (3 KB)


    Stambia CI/CD with Jenkins

      Following the devOps principles, more and more organizations are building CI/CD chains to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

      The delivery of a new version of development made in Stambia can be seen as a four-steps process :



      We will see in this article how Stambia can be integrated in a CI/CD chain using Jenkins, by deploying a sample application.

      In this example, we will automate the build from sources to deployment on existing runtimes, using Jenkins as automation server and Stambia Production Analytics for the configuration management and deployment





      GitHub account : You need a GitHub account to fork/clone the sample repository

      Jenkins server : To automate the tasks

      Nexus repository : To store the Stambia Designer for building

      Stambia environment : Stambia Production Analytics and 3 runtimes for Development, Test and Production, plus Hotel and Datamart demo databases.

      Sample application overview

      The sample application launchDimCustomer is made of a simple process calling loadDimCustomer mapping, which loads data from customer table of Hotel database to Datamart database.




      A lauchDimCustomer script is included in the project, to build the launchDimCustomer.pck package file.

      You can clone this project ‘dimCustomer’ from github repository : https://github.com/stambia/samples


      Environment setup


      We will first upload the stambia designer zip file – the one you can download from Stambia.org- to a nexus raw repository :



      The resulting download URL will be http://nexus:8081/service/rest/v1/search/assets/download?name=designer/stambiaDesigner_S20.1.0.zip


      We will create a delivery project named ‘samples’ in analytics as a placeholder for the package to deploy on environments ENVDEV, ENVTST, ENVPRD :




      Other useful information used later in this example :

       Analytics API URL : http://analytics:8080/analytics/services/api/2/

      Analytics environment names for deployment : ENVDEV, ENVTST, ENVPRD

      Build the pipeline

      Now that everything is in place, we can create the Jenkins pipeline to automate the deployment tasks.

      Create a pipeline project ‘dimCustomer’ :



      Once created, we can create the pipeline script skeleton and set the environment variables :



      Add the variables

      pipeline {
          agent any
          environment {
              NEXUS_USER = 'nexus_user'
              NEXUS_PASSWORD = 'nexus_password'
              STB_PROJECT = 'dimCustomer'
      	PKG_NAME = 'dimcustomer'
      	PKG_FILE = 'launchDimCustomer.pck'
      	PKG_VERSION = '1.0'
      	ANALYTICS_BASE_URL = 'http://analytics:8080/analytics/services/api/2'
      	ANALYTICS_USER = 'analytics_user'
      	ANALYTICS_PWD = 'analytics_password'
      	ANALYTICS_AUTH = 'base64_auth_chain'
      	DELIV_PROJECT = 'samples'
          stages {
              stage('Clean') {
                  steps {


      We can now add the necessary steps to build our pipeline, from the sources retrieval to the deployment on the three target environments

      Checkout stage

      Get the sources from the github repository :

      git https://github.com/stambia/samples


      Download the designer zip file :

      sh 'curl -X GET -L --user "${NEXUS_USER}:${NEXUS_PASSWORD}" http://nexus:8081/service/rest/v1/search/assets/download?name=designer/stambiaDesigner_S20.1.0.zip -o designer.zip'

      Build package stage

      Unzip the designer :

      sh 'unzip ${WORKSPACE}/designer.zip -d ${WORKSPACE}'


      Build package using script file :

      sh 'java -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -jar ${WORKSPACE}/stambia/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.100.v20180827-1352.jar -application com.indy.shell.application -data "." -script "${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}/Build/Scripts/launchDimCustomer" -console -noSplash -importFrom "${WORKSPACE}/${STB_PROJECT}" -cleanProjects -rebuildCache'


      Deploy to development stage

      Analytics API will be used here to :

      • Create the package
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}"'                                                    


      • Create the version ‘1.0’
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/version/1.0" -H "accept: application/json"'


      • Upload the package file
      sh 'curl --location --request PATCH "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/version/1.0" --header "Authorization: Basic ${ANALYTICS_AUTH}" --form "fileUpload=@${WORKSPACE}/${PKG_FILE}"'


      • Build and deploy the launchDimCustomer app
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVDEV/version/1.0/working"'
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVDEV/version/1.0/build"'
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVDEV/version/1.0/deploy"'

      Test stage

      We are using the startCommand utility from the designer’s embedded runtime to execute delivery on the development runtime runtimeDEV on RMI port 42000 :

      dir("${WORKSPACE}/stambia/stambiaRuntime/") {
      sh './startcommand.sh "connect to runtimeDEV port 42000;execute delivery ${DELIV_PROJECT}/${PKG_NAME}/launchDimCustomer"'


      Deploy to test and production stages

      Then we can deploy to test and production environments using the same steps as for development, changing the environment name :

      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVTST/version/1.0/working"'
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVTST/version/1.0/build"'
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVTST/version/1.0/deploy"' 
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVPRD/version/1.0/working"' 
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVPRD/version/1.0/build"' 
      sh 'curl -X POST --user "${ANALYTICS_USER}:${ANALYTICS_PWD}" "${ANALYTICS_BASE_URL}/project/${DELIV_PROJECT}/package/${PKG_NAME}/environment/ENVPRD/version/1.0/deploy"'


      Test the pipeline


      That’s it, we can now test the entire chain in Jenkins



      We can also check the execution logs of the test step using for example Production Analytics...




      ...and the package V1.0 creation and deployment :



      The version 1.0 of launchDimCustomer app is now available in Production !


      You can find the full pipeline script here : document Pipeline script (4 KB)




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