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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

Analytics and Tomcat not responding


    Periodically, the Analytics application does not respond. Reloading the web page does not help. It is necessary to restart the Tomcat server.


    Try increasing the Java MaxPermSize parameter to 1024m.

    This can be done in Tomcat's java command line (-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m) or in Tomcat settings (tomcat7w.exe or tomcat8w.exe).

    Error 404 when trying to open Analytics


      After installing Stambia Analytics 2.2 or higher on an application server running with Java 6, Stambia DI Analytics will not open: the web browser displays an error 404.


      Analytics 2.2 and higher require Java 7 or higher. Java 6 is not longer supported starting from Analytics 2.2.

      You can

      • upgrade your server's Java version
      • or install an autonomous JRE 7 for your application server (please consult your application server's documentation to know how)


      Session timeout when accessing Analytics


        When accessing to Production Analytics, the application raises a "Session timeout" message.

        This may occur immediately or after a delay.


        Some Application Servers have no default "session timeout" value, this can produce immediate or too-short session timeouts.

        The session timeout can be configured

        - in the Application Server's settings (see your AS documentation)

        - or in Production Analytics's settings, see this article.

        Statistics view is empty


          When consulting sessions or session details, the Statistics view is empty.

          The Variable view is not empty, only the Statistics view is.

          When going to "Window / Parameters" and the "Statistics" tab, the list is empty.


          This is an Analytics Installation issue, concerning new installations made with versions 2.0.9 to 2.1.1.

          Prior versions which were upgraded to 2.0.9 / 2.1.1 are not concerned. New installations made with 2.1.2 or later are not concerned.

          How to fix it:

          • Solution 1:
            • get a "stambia.logs" file from another existing WebappHome directory
            • copy all lines starting with "<logs:statistic" and paste them into the erroneous WebappHome's "stambia.logs" file
          • Solution 2:
            • Go to "Window / Parameters" and the "Statistics" tab
            • Add the following items to the list:
              • Name: WSDL_NB_ERROR, Label: WsdlError
              • Name: SQL_STAT_MERGE, Label: Merge
              • Name: OUT_NB_FILES, Label: OutFileCount
              • Name: SQL_STAT_UPDATE, Label: Update
              • Name: XML_NB_ELEMENTS,  Label: Element
              • Name: SQL_STAT_DELETE, Label: Delete
              • Name: SQL_NB_ROWS, Label: Rows
              • Name: XML_NB_ATTRIBUTES, Label: Attribute
              • Name: SQL_STAT_ERROR, Label: Reject
              • Name: WSDL_NB_DONE, Label: WsdlSuccess
              • Name: SQL_STAT_INSERT, Label: Insert
              • Name: OUT_FILE_SIZE, Label: OutFileSize

          Analytics displays an HTTP Status 500 error


            When trying to access Production Analytics, the following error is displayed in the web browser:

            HTTP Status 500 -
            type Exception report
            description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


            The main URL for accessing Analytics may be different, depending on the Java distributions and on the Application server distributions.

            Here is the different URLs you may want to try:

            • Webapp name without a trailing slash, for example: http://yourserver:8080/analytics
            • Webapp name with a trailing slash, for example: http://yourserver:8080/analytics/
            • Append the "stambia" url part, for example: http://yourserver:8080/analytics/stambia


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