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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

You can find below the major changes and improvements of the Stambia DI Runtime S17.5 version.

This article only highlights the most important changes.

If you need further information, please consult the full changelog and/or reference documentation.


What's new in 17.5.7?

Ability to specify a custom cyphering key for password encryption / decryption

The key used for encrypting / decrypting passwords can now be customized in the Runtime configuration file.

Refer to this article for further information.


Bug fixes

Generating deliveries using User Defined Functions with builddelivery.bat / builddelivery.sh

When generating deliveries from packages containing developments that uses User Defined Functions, there was an issue that prevented the functions to be generated correctly in the delivery.

We've fixed this issue and the deliveries will now be able to be built correctly with those scripts when containing User Defined Functions.

Benefiting of this fix requires to:

  • Re-build the packages with the Stambia DI Designer S19.0.11 version, because the Package generation has also been modified to fix this issue.
  • Generate the deliveries with those newly generated packages on the Stambia DI Runtime S17.5.7 or higher


Other fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.


What's new in 17.5.6?

Runtime commands improvements

Execute delivery supports the format option

The execute delivery Runtime command now supports the "format" option, which works the same way as the format option of the "get sessions" command.

This option is used to define what should be returned in the output of the command after being executed.

A list of columns is available to return for instance the session id, the name, the begin date, ...

The complete list can be found in the reference documentation, at the Runtime Commands part.


The format option supports returning the error message

The "format" option which is available for instance on the "get sessions" command or also on "execute delivery" from this version, supports a new column.

This column is named "%errormessage" and returns the exception that causes the session to fail (if it fails).


New scripting context commands

The scripting context now features two new commands which allow to execute multiple Runtime commands at once.

The two new commands are the following:

__ctx__.executeCommands(String commands, String separator)
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommands(String host, int port, String commands, String separator)


They work the same as executeCommand and executeRemoteCommand except that they are waiting for a list of commands to be executed instead of one.

Here is an example of usage, which can be found also in the reference documentation if required:

__ctx__.executeCommands("versions;get deliveries",";");
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommands("localhost","43000","versions;get deliveries",";");


Ability to extract SOAP attachments

When invoking a SOAP web service, it is now possible to extract the attachments returned by a SOAP request in a defined folder.

The folder is specified directly in the Mapping, on the Template performing the invocation of the web sevice ("INTEGRATION Rdbms to Wsdl").

The new Template parameter is named 'Received Attachments Folder', which is available on the updated Templates published for the occasion (templates.wsdl.2018-06-11).


Bug fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.


What's new in 17.5.5?

Bug fixes

This version comes with a fix for an issue that prevented to use the builddelivery.bat / builddelivery.sh scripts.

An exception was thrown when using the utilities.

The complete changelog can be found here.


What's new in 17.5.4?

Runtime Log Database Connection Pooling

A new parameter has been added in the Runtime configuration file to enable connection pooling for the Runtime Log Database connections.

This option can help to reduce the amount of connections created, offering better performances and avoiding to overload databases when executing a lot of sessions in parallel.

Refer to this article for more information.


Bug fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.


What's new in 17.5.3?

JDBC Connection Pooling

A new parameter has been added in the Runtime configuration file to enable connection pooling for JDBC connections.

This option can help to reduce the amount of connections created, offering better performances and avoiding to overload databases when executing a lot of sessions in parallel.

Refer to this article for more information.


Bug fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.


What's new in 17.5.2?

Bug fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.


What's new in 17.5.1?

Bug fixes

This version fixes a generation issue introduced in Runtime S17.5.0 that prevented to build deliveries from packages generated on Designer versions prior to S19.

The changelog can be found here.


What's new in 17.5.0?

Generation system updated

The generation system used by the command line build scripts shipped with the Runtime has been updated to the one introduced in the S19 Designer.

This means that the 'buildDelivery.bat' / 'buildDelivery.sh' scripts will now use the new generation system when being used to build deliveries.

The new generation system benefits of performances improvements and also fixes an issue about the delivery id which was unexpectedly generated with the same value when a Package is built multiple times.

Previous developments will continue work and this will not have any other impact than benefiting of the generation enhancements on those scripts.


Bug fixes

This version comes with bug fixes that can be found on the full changelog.

Do not hesitate to take a look at it to have an idea of what have been fixed.



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