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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

In Mapping, hierarchical datastores nodes such as hierarchical files, XML files or JSON files can be displayed in 'Layers'.

A Layer is a view that allows to focus only on one level element of the hierarchical datastore, masking the others to be able to concentrate one at a time.

  • Stambia DI Designer S19.0.0 or higher


Datastore Layers

To create a layer on a node, simply click on the desired level, and then on the layer button as below:

datastoreLayers creation

You'll then be able to select it in the layers list:

datastoreLayers selection

Finally, the hierarchical datastore will be filtered to focus only on the selected layer:

datastoreLayers example

You can notice that the layers list icon is now colored, and not greyed out anymore; this means that a Layer is activated, informing users that the datastore is actually filtered through a Layer.


Note that you can also create multiple layers at a time.

For this maintain the CTRL key, click on all the nodes you want to create a layer on, and then click on the create layer button:





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