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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

Combining multiples sources with SQL set operators

    It is possible to load multiple sources in a Stage and to combine them with set operators (UNION, MINUS, INTERSECT... depending on the stage's RDBMS supported operators).

    Here is an example :

    • The stage has 3 sources
    • We can add a SET to the stage, by clicking the "Create set" button (indicated with a ➊ in the screenshot)
    • All the sets are displayed below the stage name (see ➋) and can be renamed
    • The stage expression may be for example : ([A] union [B]) minus [C]

     672 sets

    Defining datatypes on stage fields

      In Mapping, it is possible to define stages, which are on the fly temporary objects that can be used to perform transformations, or anything you want between your integrations.

      When using stages, the datatypes of the fields are by default automatically calculated based on the source and target.

      This is sufficient and works in most of the cases, but sometimes the chosen datatype might not reflect data functionally, or is not optimized for it.

      This article demonstrates how to define manually the datatype to be used on the stage fields.

      Read more: Defining datatypes on stage fields


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