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Stambia versions 2.x, 3.x, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are reaching End of Support January, 15th, 2024. Please consider upgrading to the supported Semarchy xDI versions. See Global Policy Support and the Semarchy Documentation.

The Stambia User Community is moving to Semarchy! All the applicable resources have already been moved or are currently being moved to their new location. Read more…

This article is a abstract of Stambia SAP connector. It will present you all global features but will not go into details.

To get more information, please refers to : Stambia DI for SAP


Stambia SAP connector can reverse 4 kinds of metadata :

  1. Table: a classic database table, similar to SQL table
  2. IDoc: an document format, similar to XML
  3. BAPI/RFC: a service that can be used by external system, similar to PL/SQL procedure or WebService
  4. DataSource: a read-only structured data, used for BI or customer reports


SAP server

To be able to connect Stambia to SAP, we first need to parametrize the SAP server:

  • All Stambia custom ABAP is in the dedicated ZSTB_PACKAGE package and ZSTB_FUNCTION_GROUP function group
  • For each kind of metadata, there a dedicated setup :
    • To query a table, use ZSTB_RFC_READ_QUERY
    • To query a DataSource, use ZSTB_RFC_READ_DATA_SOURCE
    • To manipulate IDoc, there is no RFC but network must be configured
    • to call a BAPI/RFC, just ensured it is remote enable

Stambia Designer

Once SAP server is up-to-date, we can work on Stambia designer :

  • In both your "c:/windows/system32" and "[DESIGNER_INTALLATION_FOLDER]\stambiaRuntime\lib\addons\sap" directories, copy/past SAP JCO libraries
    Be aware those file are provided by SAP, not by Stambia.
  • In your "[DESIGNER_INTALLATION_FOLDER]\dropins\plugins" directory, copy/past the Stambia connector
  • In your Stambia Designer, add SAP template in your templates project


SAP can be used for mapping like any other technology. Here are some tips.


Choose the kind of objects you want to reverse :

SAP reverse


Input data are in the "ImportParameters" node and output in the "ExportParameters" one.

"Tables" node is available for both input or output.



SAP tables are not different than SQL ones

SAP tables

You can read SAP table :

 SAP table read

And you can write into SAP table :

SAP table write mapping


SAP IDocs can be handle like XML file (even for writing).



A SAP DataSource is an extension from SAP BW.

A DataSource is a set of fields that provide the data for a business unit for data transfer into BI.

 SAP DS read

It is a read only strutured data, but a delta mode is available to only load updated information:

First initialize a load with Mode=C. It will make a full load and reset counters.

SAP DataSource init


Then, run a delta load with Mode=D. It will only get new data.

SAP DataSource delta



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